By Tom Weishaar
Editor’s Note: This is the final instalment in a six-part series on creating custom jewellery.
Author’s Note: I’ve spent this past year sharing my techniques and reasons as to why I enjoy being a custom bench jeweller. I hope my articles were able to convey the satisfaction and pride that making jewellery has brought to my life. I am going to use this last article to announce I am retiring as a bench jeweller. Next year will mark my 40th year on the bench, and it’s time for me to step aside and allow some younger eyes to take over. I want to thank everyone who has followed this column for the past five years. It has been a pleasure sharing my techniques and reasoning with you.
In a normal week, I am given four potential custom pieces for which to work up estimates. Typically, customers approve two out of the four projects. My job is to create them as best I can, while at the same time, being mindful of my customers’ budgets. If you follow this column, then you have seen the great economic benefits of using CAD/CAM for helping to keep the cost of custom designs down. While I like using this particular piece of technology, fabrication will always be my first love.