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CIBJO releases gem treatments ‘Special Report’

Nomenclature to describe synthetics is once again in the spotlight as CIBJO releases its Special Report ahead of Congress.

Headed by Nilam Alawdeen and prepared by the CIBJO Coloured Stone Commission, the Special Report notes the addition of the qualifying terms ‘laboratory-grown’ and ‘laboratory-created’ as alternatives to ‘synthetic.’ It goes on to say, however, when a national jewellery association in a non-English speaking country that is a CIBJO member indicates there is no acceptable direct translation, then only the translation of ‘synthetic’ should be used.

The report also indicates CIBJO will review current nomenclature for describing lead glass-filled rubies, particularly when it comes to the use of the term ‘composite’ and protecting consumer interests.

Congress will be held in Tel Aviv starting May 7.

Click here to download a full copy of the report.

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