A panel of eight experts and business leaders will be on hand at VicenzaOro September this weekend to present different perspectives on how to market jewellery to Millennials.
The seminar, titled “Marketing to the Millennials: Meeting the Expectations of the Next Great Consumer Generation,” is being co-organized by Fiera di Vicenza and CIBJO-the World Jewellery Confederation.
During this session, participants will learn about the potential influence this generation will have on the industry and the degree to which it will consider fine jewellery as a preferred purchase. It will also look at how other business sectors, like consumer electronics and the travel industry, are investing billions in marketing to attract the discretionary income of this demographic and why the jewellery industry now needs to play catch-up and rethink the way it operates.
“The Millennials do not automatically aspire to own fine jewellery in the same way their parents or grandparents did,” said Steven Benson, an industry journalist and CIBJO’s director of communication, who will moderate the seminar.
“Generic diamond jewellery advertising was suspended by De Beers about 10 years ago, so they have not been as exposed to marketing messages from our industry as they moved into adulthood, but they were being targeted by other industries. Also, they are the most digitally adept generation ever, and with these abilities Millennials get information, communicate, and make purchasing decisions differently to previous generations. To market successfully to them, we must understand how they think, how they interact, and how to reach them.”
The seminar will be held on Sept. 4 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Hall 7, room 7.1.2b (Sala Tiziano 2).
Panelists include:
- Jean-Marc Lieberherr, CEO of the Diamond Producers Association;
- Costantino Papadimitriou, senior vice-president of brand strategy and innovation at De Beers’ Forevermark;
- Roberto Coin, an Italian jewellery designer and owner of the jewellery brand of the same name;
- Ella Goldner, global strategy director at IPG Mediabrands in London, one of the largest advertising and marketing agencies, where she has been responsible for developing integrated communications globally for Millennial clients of organizations and corporations such as Wimbledon and Unilever.