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AGS awards Boyajian its Robert M. Shipley Award

The American Gem Society has bestowed the 2013 Robert M. Shipley Award on Bill Boyajian.

Author and business consultant Bill Boyajian is the recipient of the 2013 Robert M. Shipley Award, an honour bestowed by the American Gem Society (AGS).

“Bill’s contributions to the jewellery industry have been extensive,” said Ruth Batson, CEO of the American Gem Society and AGS Laboratories. “He has volunteered his time to numerous jewellery organizations, and he’s also been a strong advocate and resource for the AGS Laboratories—and for [AGS].”

Boyajian received the award at AGS’s recent Conclave for his expertise and commitment to the field of gemmology, personal business, and the jewellery industry.

Boyajian is a circuit speaker and author of Developing the Mind of a Leader”“Your Path to Lead and Inspire People.

In 2007, he received the Honorary Life Membership Award from the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA). Prior to that, he was awarded the Excellence in Service Award from the 24 Karat Club of Southern California in 2006; the Ben Kaiser Award from the Women’s Jewelry Association (WJA) in 2005; and the American Gem Society’s Triple Zero Award in 2002.

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