Tucson is back!

If only one thing could be said about this year’s Tucson GemFair, it’s that the events comprise, without a doubt, the most significant gem show around, as well as the largest gathering of jewellers and gemmologists from around the world. Passion made this show happen—and the same passion will...
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Why teal has such alluring appeal

Teal has been a very hot colour for the past few years. Indeed, as a gem dealer who specializes in coloured gemstones, this author can attest to a spike in teal and green sapphire sales throughout 2022 and into 2023. What is teal, though? Why is it such a...
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Shades of gold: Picking the best partner for a diamond

To help ensure a client selects the diamond/gold combination that is best for them, jewellers should consider approaching the process of ring selection from a different angle. Rather than starting with the gold or metal, ask clients to select their preferred natural colour diamond. From there, the colour of...
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