Spectacular shades: The colour of diamonds

Diamonds have fascinated jewellery and gemstone fans for thousands of years. We regard these shiny stones as solidified drops of the crystal-clear, pure morning dew, with the most exceptional among them classified as gems of ‘the finest water.’ These descriptors are all well and good for clear gemstones, but...
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Pearls: Royalty’s best friend

The pearl is among the oldest known gems of our world. Historically, they were considered divine gifts, rich with love and royalty. Kings and crowns harboured natural pearls as a sign of power, purity, and wealth—almost as though the gems would bring prosperity and long life to those who...
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Finding inspiration in pearl

Llyn L. Strelau details the creative process behind his baroque pearl sculpture, ‘The Owl and the Pussy-cat,’ which received an honourable mention in the Objects of Art category at the 2019 American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) Spectrum Awards.
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