We don’t tend to think of men and jewels at the same time, except for the stereotype of the hesitant and terrified young man headed for a diamond seller, but men have accessorized with jewels for thousands of years.
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Forecasts indicate the rich in Canada are only going to get wealthier, but what pushes them to spend their money on expensive things? Further, how can your jewellery store capture their business?
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Although quite brutal, the pirates’ exit strategies were perfectly clear to the crew onboard. The code of conduct ensured the terms and conditions of exits were clearly defined.
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It’s no secret 2017 was a confusing year for most vendors in the gemstone and jewellery industry. Let’s take a closer look at how these changes affected the happenings in Tucson, the heart of the gemstone selling business, this year.
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When I joined a small group of gem dealers and researchers embarking on an adventure to Mandalay and the magical mining area of Mogok in Myanmar, I couldn't help but share in the sentiments of Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, "Mandalay."
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Setting has become an integral part of jewellery making. From the simplest set styles to today's extremely precise pavé techniques, the importance of stone setting cannot be emphasized enough.
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Sam Mamane has no doubt he's in the right industry. "Working in the field must have been part of my DNA," he says. "Since starting my company, I have been passionate about crafting my own unique designs as a form of creative expression."
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Given wedding jewellery is an enduring symbol of the emotion and vows exchanged, that jewellery becomes a once-in-a-lifetime celebration itself. It is incumbent on the jewellery retailer, then, to precisely fulfill the wishes of the couple while discreetly honouring such details as price, design, and production.
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What needs drive the modern consumer? How can a business thrive in a constantly evolving market? These are just a few of the questions that inspire Moniruz Zaman, president and CEO of Toronto-based distributor Bullion Mart, to drive his business forward.
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Millennials and pirates have a lot in common. Typically, both are adventurous, dislike the elite—and deeply desire gold. Edahn Golan, an acclaimed jewellery industry analyst, notes millennials are spending more on jewellery than any other age group of late.
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