I have participated in design competitions for more than 30 years, and now and again, I am sometimes asked, "Why bother?" Well, my answer is there is great satisfaction to be gained that is balanced by cost of time and materials, which I will discuss.
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The answer to the question posed by the title of this article seems simple enough. Yet, when it comes to coloured gemstones, it's not quite so black and white. When I think of a well-cut almandine garnet, I envision jewel-like votive candles in a church lined up like soldiers,...
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Jade is one of the most sought-after gems in the world, yet as a producer, Canada is the least-recognized exporter. Each year, hundreds of tonnes of nephrite jade leave Canada, bound for Asia where the stone is engrained in the culture and used in making jewellery and for carvings....
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It's not often Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) makes national headlines, but it did just that in April. The story referred to a controversial decision not to release the name of a bank fined more than $1 million for various infractions under Canada's Proceeds of...
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Uttering change can often bring a multitude of reactions. For some, preserving the status quo is as important as resisting change. It is odd to think change can have such a negative connotation; as humans, our ability to adapt has set us atop the animal kingdom.
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The 4 Cs are usually part of the selling process when it comes to diamonds, but at Toronto's Fair Trade Jewellery Co., you can add '3P' to the conversation. As a triple bottom line company, the atelier operates on the 'people, planet, profit' business model, which encourages social responsibility...
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Having a 'voice' can mean many things within the jewellery industry. For a designer, it may suggest having a style and maintaining it or perhaps preserving a standard across styles, as I will discuss later. For a jewellery retailer, voice may refer to how their store is branded and/or...
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Currency woes, increasing demand for smartwatches, and slower watch sales in China were some of the issues facing exhibitors and buyers alike at the 44th edition of Baselworld.
The eight-day fair opened under a haze of cautious optimism for a turnaround in consumer purchasing habits in the short term and...
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Welcome to Las Vegas, land of neon lights, Lady Luck, and for the next week, home to the jewellery industry, as it gathers for JCK Las Vegas and Couture.
As the main buying events for North American retailers, the shows are packed with thousands of new lines.
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So I traded in my mukluks for a pair of flip flops and moved to California from Toronto. I have to say it was a bit surreal to listen to Christmas songs while the air conditioner hummed in the background. I do miss my native land, but the offer...
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