Emerald dreams

Early Indian legends offer one explanation for the creation of emeralds. It is embodied in the story of Fura and Tena, two humans created by the god, Ares, to populate the earth. As the story goes, Fura's disobedience angered Ares and he turned them both into two steep cliffs,...
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Time for a change

David Barthau is big on personal history. As head of Barthau Jewellers in Stouffville, Ont., he's proud of his family's 47 years in the business, which is partly why he decided to create a signature watch line.
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From the bottom up

Much has been written and debated among the trade about the current troubles facing the diamond industry. Not a day goes by we are not bombarded with headlines about the high price of rough or theories on how to make selling diamonds profitable again.
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2016 AGTA Spectrum Awards

Nobody likes tension, but when it comes to jewellery, it is sometimes a necessary requirement. When Vancouver designer Andrew Costen decided he would make a claspless bracelet set with gemstones along a platinum wire, he knew creating the right amount of tension would be the biggest challenge. Too much...
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