Look who's 10! It was a decade ago our group publisher, Ellen Kral, founded Jewellery Business, but in that short time, the magazine has risen to become Canada's premier jewellery trade publication and your source for timely, topical, and trusted content.
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It was 2005 when I first became aware of the emergence of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in the jewellery industry.
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The torch roars as gold begins to shimmer in the crucible and solid metal slumps into a liquid puddle. With the blur of an accelerating centrifuge, molten metal disappears into the mould cavity. There, nearly instantly and unseen, it is transformed into either a new creation or a porous...
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Hurricanes, tornados, storms, and wild fires. When Mother Nature strikes, you may have little to no time to grab a few belongings and evacuate. Imagine for a second your jewellery business was in the path of imminent danger.
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Savvy business owners are cashing in on the new phenomenon of pop-up shops. This increasingly popular form of marketing and promotion allows retailers to reach a wider audience through temporary high-traffic venues.
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Speak to anyone in the trade, and you will find jewellers from Victoria to Halifax are having a tough time adjusting to a new kind of normal. By that, I mean an apparent lack of 'affordable' diamonds.
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You could say the pull of magnetic sand was just too great a force for Claudia Gravel to resist. Although the jewellery designer had wanted to work with the black-coloured mineral for a long time, it was her research into the Group of Seven that sparked an idea for...
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Today, diamonds are a major part of my repertoire. When I discovered not all diamonds are white, it was the best of all possible worlds—the combination of the positive qualities of diamond with the beauty of colour!
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Appraisers have heard time and again there are three common approaches to value: cost (i.e. cost to produce), market data (i.e. sales comparison), and income. Traditionally, and still with many appraisers today, the cost approach is the method of choice for valuation. But whose cost are they considering?
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The global diamond industry is at a crossroads not seen since its inception. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamonds, which are lab-grown, are being found in finished jewellery and with fraudulently produced reports in increasing frequency and volume.
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