Your irresistible offer

As a customer, you've no doubt received scads of sales pitches from companies trying to sell you something, the vast majority of which you ignore, tune out, or reject outright. When the tables are turned and you are the one making the proposal, there are three key elements you...

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Customer service motivation

Someone once said that life would be easy if it wasn't for other people. Making a living, however, usually involves interacting with those around you. Your job may be fine when customers are pleasant and everything goes well. Sooner or later, though, unavoidable delays, foul-ups, and interruptions can make...

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Platinum: Right or wrong?

Platinum has been known for centuries, but until recently, it was a mysterious novelty that frustrated the Spanish conquistadors who found it when panning for gold. They were baffled by the white metal bits mixed with gold nuggets that were difficult to separate and could not be melted.
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