Going custom: Sign on the dotted line

Joe Karbo's 1973 book, The Lazy Man's Way to Riches, is about an ordinary man's struggle to become a great salesman. In it, he dedicates his success to always trying to meet his customers' needs. To this end, Karbo identifies the motivating factors for why people make significant purchases.
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The four basic customer types

Over the years, we have been trained to understand the four basic personality types. Some use animals such as lions, monkeys, giraffes, and turtles to describe them. Others use words like, 'dominant,' 'expressive,' 'amiable,' and 'analytical.' This concept is very effective in understanding your customer and teaching you how...

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How to compete with discounters

If you manage a small- to medium-size business, chances are you encounter pricing pressures from some version of a large discounter. These competitors may have more money to spend to attract new customers, more buying power to undercut your prices, and more resources to outlast you in a price...

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Pearls: A creative inspiration

Pearls are perhaps my favourite gem! There is something magical about these gifts of nature. They can be subtle and velvety soft, or dramatic and brilliantly metallic. The immense variety of colour and form offers unending scope for jewellery design.
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