The robin egg blue-coloured box wrapped with a just-so white ribbon conveys the words 'I love you' even before revealing the jewellery it holds inside. And it's been doing that for the better part of 175 years.
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is critical to ensuring consumer confidence within the jewellery industry, says Gaetano Cavalieri, president of CIBJO.
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Why travel to Antwerp, London, or Botswana to purchase rough when you could be buying it in Toronto?
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Time takes its toll. Even the most beautiful and well-crafted piece has limits on its endurance. At 2200 years old, this beautiful Greek statue of Venus de Milo—also known as Aphrodite—has had her share of difficult days. No one can say at this point what has become of her...
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The Canadian jewellery trade shows are upon us. While attending the various events is clearly a matter of purchasing inventory for the coming holiday season, the shows are also a great opportunity for learning.
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Jewellery trends develop from a wide range of influences, such as clothing styles, fabric colours, economics, and socio-economics. To uncover the hottest jewellery trends for each season, every inspiration has to be considered, analyzed, and scrutinized to determine how it translates to jewellery.
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Diamonds may be forever, but BHP Billiton's and Rio Tinto's place in the industry may not be. In what seemed like a one-two punch, both mining companies announced recently they were looking to offload their diamond businesses, which include Canada's Ekati and Diavik mines, respectively.
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Have you ever thought of just how many descriptive words you use in daily store conversations involving light and the manipulation of reflected light? Words like brilliance, fire, lustre, colour, clarity, and shine all would not exist without a light source. It follows that a sales presentation in which...
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Jade is a commercial term encompassing green, white, black, and yellow-brown jadeite and nephrite. The world nephrite jade market is estimated at more than 1000 tonnes per year, with half the supply originating from British Columbia.
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As an independent appraiser who neither buys nor sells diamonds, I often have to explain why my grades are substantially different from those provided by a client's grading report from one of the many laboratories. Inevitably, the client wants to know how something like this can happen. Come to...
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