The word “noble” is applied to a small handful of metals—silver, the “platinum group,” and, of course, gold. Metals in this category are found in their workable state in nature, and are not readily corroded, rusted, or degraded under normal natural conditions. This means gold cannot only be found...
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With crimes against jewellers on the rise, it is important jewellers recommit to making safety and security a top priority.
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Electroplating is the application of a very thin layer of metal onto a different metal using electrochemistry. The process uses a solution (called a “bath” when electroplating), which is a mixture of metallic salts dissolved in an acidic or a basic solution.
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While most modern jewellery is cast in a mould, stamped by a machine, or formed from wire, a few innovative individuals have been creating pieces from a thin, flat sheet, or strip of metal.
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As technology evolves, it is becoming increasingly difficult for small business owners to handle this component of their operation on their own. After all, your expertise, as retailers, lies in communicating with your customers and helping them find the right piece of jewellery or precious gemstone.
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While the metaverse was among the hottest topics of conversation for 2022, the idea of a virtual world where people live, work, shop, and interact was a bit concerning for many in jewellery retail. Store owners were left wondering if brick-and-mortar shops would be around at all in the...
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Ontario-based designer, Virginia Muralt, shares her journey of preparing, designing, and creating a one-of-a-kind set of necklaces.
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Now more than ever, it is important for retailers to be able to communicate clearly with customers the key differences between laboratory-grown diamonds and their mined counterparts.
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Compensation is a known contentious issue amongst most business partners, but even more so in a family business. Often, decisions made by parental owners can impact the personal and professional relationships of the next generation.
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Coloured gems sell—we don’t even need to classify them as ‘precious’ and ‘semi-precious’ anymore. Depending on a stone’s provenance and rarity of colour and size, today’s shoppers are willing to dig deep into their pockets and shell out serious money for many rainbow-hued gemstones.
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