by Tamanna Bhasin | January 10, 2024 2:41 pm
By Anita Agrawal
Are you camera shy and unsure about how to get into making videos? I was too. Even though I am not great at social media, I am an avid user and observer of trends. In this article, I want to share some of the easiest ways to get into filming videos specifically for the jewellery industry. A few years ago during the pandemic, I approached a magazine to create YouTube content. Making these videos was a great crash course on how to make video content. Each of the videos received thousands of views, and I got a lot of personal emails from clients across the country. Some gave advice, some asked for advice, placed orders, and some sent in emails of appreciation.
Since then, I have learned you can’t escape video content. Indeed, since the pandemic, and the numbers don’t lie, video content is the number one most consumed type of social media content. It is estimated video content is consumed 1200 per cent more over any other type of content. Gone are the days of just pretty pictures.
Every demographic, whether it is Boomers or Gen Z and Gen Alpha, have their preferred social media site. You could be missing out on future consumers if you don’t add video content to your marketing repertoire.1 In fact, younger generations are more likely to use video content than previous generations. Consider this: YouTube and TikTok are leading the way2 at 50 per cent of all online content consumed. Even Instagram and Facebook have shifted their algorithms to get you hooked on their “reels” since the TikTok boom.3 If you are wondering how you can get your feet wet by harnessing the power of video marketing with little overhead and editing expertise, I have come up with my own top five ways to do so with zero additional budget.
1) Education: This is one of the easiest videos to do. Talk about your subject matter. Do you have unique information that you can share about the history of the jewellery you have? Do you know where the product originated from? What about how to clean a particular gemstone/piece of jewellery? Can you talk about the 4Cs? This kind of video does several things. Primarily, it sets you up as the expert authority on the subject matter and helps consumers learn more about the product. A good example of this is Instagrammer @juliachafe[1] who is able to talk about a range of jewellery pieces, gemstones, designers, and the best celebrity gossip on luxury pieces. She is also a wholesaler at IntercolorUSA, a company specializing in coloured stones.
2) How-to videos: Too shy to talk before the camera? This method is a very engaging way to get viewers into your craft. There is something very satisfying in watching products being made. Have you ever spent hours just watching machines pumping out widgets, or bakers baking bread even though you have no desire to do either yourself? If you don’t think you are camera ready yet and you’re a bench jeweller or a bead/wrapping artist, this method is perfect for you because you don’t have to show yourself on camera or even talk that much! The editing might take some getting used to, but it definitely is worth the time and effort. Not only will you be sharing the love of your craft, you will inspire others to reach out to learn more from you.
As an aside, some accounts that I find innovative on Instagram include: @Ivanding_Custompro[2] (he showcases pieces while they are being made directly from his factory in China), and @riogrande[3] (U.S.-based jewellery supply company, who showcase how to use their equipment and solve difficult bench tasks).
3) Live auctions/sales: I was up late one night and I could not believe how many thousands of online shoppers there were on TikTok. It’s as if the home shopping channel has moved online and is on steroids! People are selling everything from shucking oysters for pearls, scoops of loose gemstones and charms, and jewellery pieces. The audience is engaged, and the comments stream in seemingly nonstop. I do not even know how the hosts of these online segments keep up with the comments that they address live. Depending on your demographic, you might have an audience of several hundred to several thousand. If you are a wholesaler who is looking to dump your old product, or test out new ones, this is a great method for you, but you have to find a charismatic host, if you are not one yourself.
Here are a few people to check out on TikTok: @jasmine.yifan[4] (a large silver jewellery manufacturer based on Hong Kong), @Diybeautyfav[5] (a small independent charms seller), and a shout out to Chris and Melissa Robak, @silvercove[6] (owners of a Canadian gem company who have been active on Facebook Live for years now, and are quite successful).
4) Behind-the-scenes videos: These are actually my personal favourite. As a designer, I love sharing the story of how a piece came to be, why it took so long, or what lengths were taken to source the materials. These videos take the viewer into what feels like a hidden world to them—a sort of forbidden access to how things are made and processed. It is like they are joining you on your work day. There’s a lot of people you can follow, but I recently started following TikToker @jeanpaulxavier[7], whose videos really highlight the work of an independent designer. Plus he draws his pieces so beautifully before he shares the final product!
5) Jewellery influencer videos: This is the only option where it might cost you money (or products) to start making video content. No, you don’t have to be a Kardashian to be an influencer. The common misconception is that big-name influencers sell everything, this is simply not true. In fact, there is a term for this, “influencer fatigue” Gone are the days where people only followed big names, now they are more likely to follow nano influencers or experts who know the industry well. There are several micro/nano influencers whom you can employ (or barter with) to get your brand out there. However, you have to make sure they are a good fit for you and your brand.
These types of videos have launched the careers of many people. At one time, these individuals might have worked as sales people, direct sellers, or just “ordinary” folks with a passion for style and luxury. Think of influencers as people who are able to share the love of jewellery with the world, like a concierge curating their expertise. Sometimes, a video can do so well that people clamour for the exact item, replicas, or even lower-cost reproductions that fit their budget. Some big influences you should be following on Instagram include: @thediamondsgirl[8] (Tracey Ellison), @Champagnegem[9] (Bebe Bakhshi) and
@Katerina_Perez[10] (Katerina Perez).
The last thing I want to say about video content is this: Use your content on multiple platforms. I love using TikTok to create content for my jewellery pieces, but I realized quickly that TikTok is not my niche (LinkedIn is). In fact, everyone has a preferred medium that does well for them. For some of you who cater to people over 50 years of age, that may be Facebook, others who are better with photography and the visual landscape could use Instagram and so on. For example, a behind-the-scenes video of mine that has only 1,200 impressions on TikTok gained another 2,000-3,000 views on each of my Instagram accounts, with another 2,000 on Facebook and 16,000 on LinkedIn. I realized it was because most of the people on my LinkedIn feed are not jewellers, which made my video unique and appealing. So, don’t get disheartened if your video does not do well at first, it might not be its time or it might just be that platform is not your niche—in which case, it’s time for you to cross-pollinate on different platforms and see what works for you!
Anita Agrawal is a multi-award-winning jewellery designer, CEO of Best Bargains Jewellery and the brand, Jewels4Ever. She is also a part-time professor at the School of Business at Centennial College in Toronto. She has been interviewed for numerous magazines, news programs and newspapers including BNN, CBC, CTV, The Globe and Mail and many others for her work and activism. She can be reached on social media at: Instagram: @jewels4everca[11] and @agrawal_ani[12], Facebook:[13], TikTok: @jewels4everca[14], and LinkedIn:[15].
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