Size matters. If ‘attention to detail’ is your middle name, ask your CAD operator to create a render so you can double check everything is as you want it to be before the wax is produced. Keep in mind computer renders of a design always look bigger and heavier than the finished product. Some software can incorporate metal type and gemstones into the image, but also ask your CAD operator for the line drawing with measurements. As someone who works with CAD day in and day out, I always recommend you trust the measurements and not use the render as a true indication of proportions, etc. Doing so will likely keep you from calling the CAD person and telling them they have made the piece too heavy. No one likes to be told they did something wrong, particularly when you’ve jumped the gun in voicing your concern.
A marriage of the minds. There is more than one CAD operator in the world. However, when you find one with whom you communicate well, they deliver on time, and charge a fair price, you may be a little reluctant to use someone else. That said, things can change. A great CAD operator is hard to find and it’s likely others have discovered how great yours is, which means you won’t have them all to yourself. If you find yourself looking for a new CAD operator, consider finding one who specializes in the jewellery you design. For instance, if your custom jobs are mostly bridal jewellery, find a CAD designer who works in this field. The bottom line is to collaborate with someone who understands what you’re looking for to minimize the number of e-mails and phone calls.

Here’s a tidbit of information. Some CAD designers are turning to software that allows them to ‘sculpt’ in CAD, rather than build. Using a tablet, they can achieve some pretty amazing detail, but a mouse can do the trick as well. The software is reasonably priced and is meant to mimic working in clay. So if your CAD operator says a design can’t be done, maybe they just don’t have the tools to do it.
Offering custom design does not have to be scary. In fact, besides bridal, it has come to be known as a recession-proof sector. I can’t tell you how often people have told me custom CAD design pulled them through some tough times and helped grow their business. However, it all begins with working with an experienced and professional CAD operator and providing clear, understandable instructions.
Shele Letwin is president of GV Design Canada, the authorized Canadian distributor of Gemvision and Envision Tec products. She is a graduate of the jewellery arts program at George Brown College, an award-winning designer, and CAD/CAM instructor. Letwin is often a guest speaker at trade shows and at the Gemvision Design Symposium. For more on CAD, see GV Design on YouTube at ‘gvdesigncanada ““ future jeweler’ or follow the company on Facebook or Twitter @GVDesigncanada. Letwin can be reached via e-mail at shele@gvdesigncanada.com or (866) 299-1702.