Social sells

With customization at the forefront of consumers’ minds, it’s no surprise most seek social media-inspired designs. “Customers go online, find what they like, and bring in ideas. If they do that, we’ll make it,” says Caroline Skilich of T&T Jewellers. “Custom pieces are most of what we’re doing.”
Monil Shah of Vandan Associates Inc., says designs receiving the top hits on social media outlets like Pinterest and Instagram inspired their latest collection. “We put our own twist on them,” he says. “The Glacial Ice winter collection was the finished result.”
Although it’s difficult to predict what will happen in the future, Dubrovsky believes retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers must be like chameleons. “We need to decide where the markets are going and move with them,” he says. “No one can predict what a customer will want, especially right now.”
Tony Malo, sales manager at Malo Creations Inc., notes, “Things aren’t going to turn around on their own. We need to be creating new things and stretching ourselves. It’s the only way to stay around.”