28-carat diamond nabs $2.1M in online auction

by Samantha Ashenhurst | July 2, 2020 3:32 pm

A 28.86-carat D-colour diamond sold for $2,115,000 at Christie’s Jewels Online.[1]
A 28.86-carat D-colour diamond sold for $2,115,000 at Christie’s Jewels Online.

A D-colour diamond weighing 28.86 carats broke the record for the most expensive jewel ever sold in an online-only auction, selling for US$2,115,000.

The VVS1 clarity gem was the top lot at Christie’s Jewels Online sale, held June 16 to 30. The diamond, which was expected to fetch upwards of $2 million, was the highest valued lot ever offered through the auction house’s online sale. It received a total of 31 bids from four countries.

“The spectacular 28.86 carat, D-colour diamond received immediate attention upon its announcement,” says Rahul Kadakia, international head of jewellery at Christie’s. “The stone possesses a transparency and purity which can only be found in the world’s finest diamonds.”

In total, Christie’s Jewels Online generated $4,164,500, with 100 per cent sold by value and 93 per cent sold by lot. To view full sales results, click here[2].

  1. [Image]: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/SA_Christies.jpg
  2. here: https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/jewels-online/lots/1725?lang=en-us

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/28-carat-diamond-nabs-2-1m-in-online-auction/