425-carat ‘Legacy’ diamond sells for $15 million

by Samantha Ashenhurst | May 15, 2019 10:57 am

Mining group Petra Diamonds has sold the ‘Legacy of the Cullinan Diamond Mine’ for just under $15 million.[1]
Mining group Petra Diamonds has sold the ‘Legacy of the Cullinan Diamond Mine’ for just under $15 million.

A 424.89-carat stone found at Petra Diamond[2]’s Cullinan mine[3] in South Africa has sold for just under US$15 million.

Dubbed the ‘Legacy of the Cullinan Diamond Mine,’ the D-colour Type II gem was purchased by Belgium-based Stargems Group[4] in partnership with Choron (Belgium).

“This is a significant sale for Petra Diamonds and an endorsement of the quality not only of the Legacy diamond, but also the Cullinan ore body itself, which is known for its exceptional stones,” said Petra CEO Richard Duffy.

  1. [Image]: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/SA_PetraSale.jpg
  2. Petra Diamond: https://www.petradiamonds.com/
  3. Cullinan mine: https://www.petradiamonds.com/our-operations/our-mines/cullinan/
  4. Stargems Group: http://www.stargemsgroup.com/

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/425-carat-legacy-diamond-sells-for-15-million/