AGTA announces 2015 Spectrum Awards judges

by eyetee | August 15, 2014 1:28 pm

Canadian designer and Jewellery Business bench tips columnist Llyn L. Strelau captured second place in the men’s wear category at the 2014 Spectrum Awards.

A master jeweller, museum curator, and lapidarist are just three of the experts who will judge the American Gem Trade Association’s (AGTA’s) 2015 Spectrum Awards.

“Each year, we strive to seat a unique panel of judges for the AGTA Spectrum Awards, and we hit the mark this year,” said AGTA chief executive officer (CEO) Douglas K. Hucker.

“This distinguished group is uniquely qualified with their expertise and passion for coloured gemstones and pearls, and we are excited to see the results of their hard work.”

The panel will meet in October to judge the competition, including the AGTA Cutting Edge Awards, which features loose colored gemstones.

This year’s judges are:

• Jeffrey E. Post, curator, U.S. National Gem & Mineral Collection, Smithsonian Institution;

• Joseph Mardkha, manufacturer, ColorMasters Precious Jewelry;

• Larry Pelzel, retailer, Neiman Marcus;

• Tim McClelland, master jeweller and designer, McTiegue & McClelland; and

• Jerrold Green, lapidarist, Reginald C. Miller.

The competition is open to U.S. and Canadian designers and cutters.

The deadline to submit entry forms is Sept. 19. The New York drop-off date is Oct.7. Entry forms can be found at[2].

Jewellery Business will feature full coverage of the Spectrum Awards in its February 2015 issue.

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