Armenian Jewellers Association announces international design competition

by Tamanna Bhasin | October 7, 2024 9:46 am

Photo courtesy AJA

Following the success of its inaugural design competition last year, the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) unveiled the second iteration of the event. The competition ensures jewellers and designers of Armenian heritage from around the globe will have the unique chance to exhibit their creativity and craftsmanship at the GemGenève exhibition in May 2025.

Participants are encouraged to submit either a design sketch prepared for production or a finished piece of jewellery. Sketches can be original hand-drawn works or created using traditional drawing methods or computer-aided design (CAD). Finished entries must be original pieces crafted from precious metals such as gold, silver, or platinum, and may also feature diamonds or other gemstones.

Submissions will be assessed based on three key criteria:

  1. Creativity and innovative design
  2. Technical ability
  3. Presentation

Key dates for the competition:

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