Canadian diamond code updated

by eyetee | October 4, 2010 12:00 am

Canada’s ‘Voluntary Code of Conduct for Authenticating Canadian Diamond Claims’ has been reworked following changes to the Competition Bureau’s new ‘Product of Canada’ and ‘Made in Canada’ guidelines.

The code developed to protect the authentication and representation of Canadian diamonds has been revised.

Following the introduction of the Competition Bureau’s new ‘Product of Canada’ and ‘Made in Canada’ guidelines, changes were made to the ‘Voluntary Code of Conduct for Authenticating Canadian Diamond Claims.’ Other revisions include a new associate member category for gemmological laboratories and one for e-commerce/retailers. The code is endorsed by the Commissioner of the Competition Bureau of Canada, said Phyllis Richard, chair of the Canadian Diamond Code Committee (CDCC).

“Canadian diamond stakeholders and the CDCC are committed to ensuring diamonds represented as Canadian can be authenticated and represented with respect to the new enforcement guidelines,” Richard noted. “This is to protect against deceptive practices that may erode consumer confidence and, at the same time, ensure compliance with the Canadian Competition Act. We are also pleased to welcome dot-com retailers as code members and Canadian gemmological laboratories as associate members.”

For more information, visit[2].

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