Canadian picks up pearl design award

by eyetee | November 7, 2013 8:12 pm

Philip Bouasse of Nishi Pearls in Montreal captured the Brilliance Award for ‘Big Wave’ at the Cultured Pearl Association of America’s (CPAA’s) 2013-2014 International Pearl Design Contest (IPDC).

Pearls are a product of the sea, so it’s only natural a design inspired by it take home one of the top prizes at the Cultured Pearl Association of America’s (CPAA’s) design contest.

Designed by Philip Bouasse of Montreal’s Nishi Pearls, ‘Big Wave’ was honoured with the Brilliance Award at the 2013-2014 International Pearl Design Contest (IPDC) for the entry that best illustrates the spectrum of pearl colours in the most beautiful way.

Bouasse said he’s always been moved by the ocean, spending many hours watching the waves in Belle-ÃŽle-en-Mer, a small island off the coast of Brittany, France.

“Instead of the conventional graphic pattern of the wave, however, I wanted to render the wild, chaotic, and glorious beauty of waves, as well as the dramatic effect when they come crashing into rocks with the blinding white and shining foam reflecting the light when tempest is raging,” he tells Jewellery Business.

CPAA president Peter B. Bazar said the group received entries from 15 countries this year.

“We are very happy with the success of this year’s competition,” he added.

Bouasse says ‘Big Wave’ is also partially based on Nishi Pearls’ company logo, and that plans are in the works to create the necklace using Canadian diamonds.

The other winners at IPDC are:

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