CGA to host gemstone conference in October

by eyetee | August 21, 2015 12:43 pm

SB_bigstock-Beautiful-View-[1]Vancouver will set the scene for an international conference focusing on the latest in gemstone synthesis and their detection.

The event brings together speakers and experts from around the world to discuss topics ranging from synthetic diamonds and other gemstones, to valuating jade in a market stimulated by increased demand from China.

“Detecting synthetic and enhanced gemstones is a big business globally as innovations in the industry make it more and more difficult to set them apart from natural gemstones,” said Donna Hawrelko, president of the Canadian Gemmological Association (CGA), which is organizing the conference.

“It is our job as gemmology professionals to help consumers make informed decisions on their gemstone purchases. Synthetic gemstones can be very beautiful and very desirable, but consumers have to be made aware when they are buying a synthetic, rather than a natural gemstone. They rely on us to give them the information on whether, for example, a diamond is natural or has been produced in a factory.”

The event takes place Oct. 16 to 18 at the Terminal City Club.

For more information contact Hawrelko at[2] or (604) 290-3575 or Lucy Cook at (604) 889-5458. Conference information can also be found at[3].

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