Check out our top 10 stories of 2019

by Samantha Ashenhurst | December 19, 2019 4:29 pm

Articles on topics such as the evolving world of diamonds and retail security made this year’s top 10 list.[1]
Articles on topics such as the evolving world of diamonds and retail security made this year’s top 10 list.
Photo ©Diamond Graphics

Are you ready for 2020? Gear up for the new year by brushing up on Jewellery Business’s most popular articles of the past 365 days. Synthetic diamonds, alternative gemstones, and crime prevention were just a few of the year’s hottest topics.

Top 10 feature articles


  1. “Sustainable sparkle: The environmental impacts of mined versus lab-grown diamonds[2]” by Giselle Saati
  2. “2020 forecast colour palette as viewed through a gem industry loupe[3]” by Katinka Champion
  3. “Beyond the big four: Finding natural gemstone alternatives[4]” by Lauriane Lognay
  4. “Why the 4Cs is no longer an adequate pricing system[5]” by Renée Newman
  5. “Bench tips: Learning to say ‘no’[6]” by Llyn Strelau
  6. “Why private-label credit cards are a good bet for retailers[7]” by Peter Kalen
  7. “Bolstering economies one diamond at a time[8]” by Debbie Azar
  8. “Gemmology: The wonders of Canada[9]” by Lauriane Lognay
  9. “An oasis of gemstones in the desert: Inside Tucson 2019[10]” by Lauriane Lognay
  10. “Shaking the foundations: Independent Jewellers’ quest to build on its legacy[11]” by Carly Midgley


Top 10 news items


  1. “High-level thieves hit Ontario jewellery store[12]”
  2. “Toronto jeweller pushed to close after 46 years[13]”
  3. “Michael Hill admits it owes its staff $25 million[14]”
  4. “Pandora cuts 1200 jobs after disappointing first quarter[15]”
  5. “Kashmir sapphire sells for $1.26 million at auction[16]”
  6. “Canadians craft Raptors’ championship rings[17]”
  7. “Pandora marks global brand relaunch[18]”
  8. “191-carat diamond found in Russia[19]”
  9. “Edmonton jewellery store robbery linked to ISIS[20]”
  10. “Undisclosed synthetics discovered in jewellery[21]”

Did you have a favourite article this year? Did it make the list? Tell us about your top picks for 2019 in the comments—and have a happy and successful 2020!

  1. [Image]:
  2. Sustainable sparkle: The environmental impacts of mined versus lab-grown diamonds:
  3. 2020 forecast colour palette as viewed through a gem industry loupe:
  4. Beyond the big four: Finding natural gemstone alternatives:
  5. Why the 4Cs is no longer an adequate pricing system:
  6. Bench tips: Learning to say ‘no’:
  7. Why private-label credit cards are a good bet for retailers:
  8. Bolstering economies one diamond at a time:
  9. Gemmology: The wonders of Canada:
  10. An oasis of gemstones in the desert: Inside Tucson 2019:
  11. Shaking the foundations: Independent Jewellers’ quest to build on its legacy:
  12. High-level thieves hit Ontario jewellery store:
  13. Toronto jeweller pushed to close after 46 years:
  14. Michael Hill admits it owes its staff $25 million:
  15. Pandora cuts 1200 jobs after disappointing first quarter:
  16. Kashmir sapphire sells for $1.26 million at auction:
  17. Canadians craft Raptors’ championship rings:
  18. Pandora marks global brand relaunch:
  19. 191-carat diamond found in Russia:
  20. Edmonton jewellery store robbery linked to ISIS:
  21. Undisclosed synthetics discovered in jewellery:

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