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Fiera di Vicenza and Rimini Fiera sign letter of intent

[Left to right] Rimini Fiera president, Lorenzo Cagnoni, and Fiera di Vicenza president, Matteo Marzotto.

Two Italian trade show organizers may be merging and taking the new company public.

Fiera di Vicenza—which operates the VicenzaOro events—and Rimini Fiera have signed a letter of intent to look into the feasibility of integrating the two companies and forming a national trade show organizer. No timeframe was provided for listing the new company on the stock exchange.

“This operation is an extraordinary opportunity for the Italian industrial system and a brand new direction for the national trade fair sector,” said Fiera di Vicenza president, Matteo Marzotto.

“Thanks to the skills and vision of both companies, their proprietary portfolio products, and profit-making income performance, it could indeed be possible to establish a platform of excellence. Although considering the origins of Fiera di Vicenza and Rimini Fiera as a plus, we will dynamically be extending the confines of the two areas, which are very similar in many ways and always active when it comes to capitalizing and internationalizing the whole ‘Made in Italy’ production supply line.”

Rimini Fiera operates in the food and beverage; green; technology; entertainment; tourism; transport; and wellness industries.

“These are the preconditions for a whole new operation in the trade show industry,” said Rimini Fiera’s president, Lorenzo Cagnoni. “It’s an operation that brings together two strong, healthy businesses with separate, but complementary roles; two companies focusing on the development of an industrial project that is capturing clear market opportunities and will give them significant business dimensions and volumes.”

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