Flexiti Financial named CJA’s official credit partner

by jacquie_dealmeida | June 2, 2016 9:19 am

CJAConsumers purchasing jewellery at one of Canadian Jewellers Association’s (CJA’s) member businesses now have an additional payment option.

The association has signed an agreement making Flexiti Financial its official credit partner. The deal puts in place a white label credit card program for consumers to make purchases more quickly and easily through CJA’s 1000-plus members.

“We are very pleased to welcome Flexiti Financial to our association,” said CJA president and CEO, J. David Ritter.

“This partnership offers a shared method of financing to each CJA member, providing a strong credit option for their customers with best-in-industry rates, a tremendous new benefit for all our retail members, and one that will, I am sure, attract many new members to the CJA as well.”

Flexiti Financial CEO Peter Kalen said the deal provides consumers with a dedicated line of credit and special consumer financing options for purchases.

“Our best-in-class technology will help sales growth and encourage positive relationships between members and their clients,” he added.

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/flexiti-financial-named-cjas-official-credit-partner/