How’s your foldforming technique?
The Lewton-Brain Foldform Awards is now accepting entries for its inaugural competition, which is being sponsored by the Center for Metal Arts.
Invented by Canadian master goldsmith Charles Lewton-Brain, foldforming uses sheet material to produce rapid development of 3-D surfaces and structures, creating the appearance of origami and forgework.
Submissions must be the artist’s own work, although other materials like findings may be used.
The competition will be judged by Lewton-Brain, metal arts publisher and author Tim McCreight, and Center for Metal Arts director, Ed Mack.
For more information on entrance requirements, visit www.centerformetalarts.com/blog or the Center for Metal Arts’ Facebook page.
The deadline to apply is June 30. Each designer can send up to three entries with a maximum of two images at 300 dpi in jpg format. Files should be no more than 5 MB and should be sent to lewtonbrainfoldformaward@gmail.com.
Winners will be announced Aug. 6 at the Fifth Annual Charles Lewton-Brain Conference at the Center for Metal Arts in Florida N.Y., as well as online at www.centerformetalarts.com/blog and on its Facebook page.