GIA holds annual research meeting

by eyetee | November 18, 2014 6:16 pm

The study of diamond formation, synthesis, and treatments was just one of the topics researchers at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) reviewed at their annual research meeting.

More than 40 researchers from around the world met Nov. 12 to 13 at GIA headquarters in Carlsbad, Calif.

“Research is the pillar that supports all of what GIA does to fulfil its mission of ensuring public trust in gems and jewellery,” said GIA president and chief executive officer (CEO), Susan Jacques.

“The brilliant work of this research team directly supports GIA’s continued ability to identify and grade gems; to develop advanced gemmological instrumentation; and to offer relevant education that prepares the next generation of gemmologists and gem and jewellery professionals.”

Other topics of discussion included:

• developments in the investigation of trace elements in coloured gems;

• advances in instrumentation;

• pearl characterization; and

• field gemmology.

“Although research had been a cornerstone of GIA’s activities for decades, it was GIA’s second president Richard T. Liddicoat who established a formal research department in 1977,” said Tom Moses, GIA’s executive vice-president for laboratory and research, recalling the origins of GIA’s research program.

“In 1982, there were just four researchers. Today, the effort founded on Mr. Liddicoat’s vision has attained global reach. Each year, new and talented GIA scientists, technicians, and gemmologists advance our fundamental understanding of the properties of gems.”

In February 2014, GIA launched the Richard T. Liddicoat Postdoctoral Research program, providing research associates the opportunity to examine fundamental issues related to diamonds, coloured stones, pearls, and instrument development. There are currently two Liddicoat associates, one each in Carlsbad and New York.

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