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GIA melee analysis comes to Stuller headquarters

Representatives of Stuller and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) celebrate the addition of GIA’s melee analysis service to Stuller headquarters.
Photo courtesy Stuller

Stuller is amping up its diamond analysis efforts as part of a new strategic service arrangement with the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Going forward, melee diamonds used at the jewellery manufacturer’s headquarters in Lafayette, La., will be screened onsite with GIA’s melee analysis service.

“Locating our service within Stuller’s premises allows GIA to rapidly and efficiently analyze a higher volume of melee diamonds, helping to protect the consumer and ensure their confidence,” said Thomas M. Moses, executive vice-president of laboratory and research for GIA.

With this service, GIA staff will use analytical instrumentation to assess any round, D- to Z-colour melee diamonds between 0.9 and 4 mm (0.03 to 0.15 in.) in size. Natural, untreated diamonds will first be sorted out from any simulants, synthetics, or high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) treated stones, then organized by colour range.

“This commitment includes adherence to GIA grading standards, as well as giving our customers the highest possible level of assurance we are accurately describing all diamonds being sold,” said Stanley Zale, Stuller’s vice-president of diamonds and gemstones procurement.

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