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GIA symposium set for Carlsbad

Gemological Institute of America’s (GIA’s) Symposium 2011 will be held May 29 to 30 at its Carlsbad headquarters.

Gemmologists and jewellers from around the world will gather at Gemological Institute of America’s (GIA’s) world headquarters for Symposium 2011.

Set for May 29 to 30 in Carlsbad, Calif., the international event offers two tracks: ‘Advances in Gemological Research’ and ‘Advancing the Gem Industry.’

Topics include:
• Gem localities and stone formation;
• Identifying diamonds, coloured stones, and pearls;
• New technologies and gem characterization;
• Marketing to the 21st-century customer; and
• Political, ethical, and legal issues.

The symposium also coincides with the institute’s 80th anniversary.

“This will be a unique opportunity to bring together the best and brightest from the many different components of our industry,” said GIA president and chief executive officer (CEO) Donna Baker. “Symposium 2011 will address the unprecedented challenges the global gem and jewellery communities have faced since our last symposium and research conference in 2006.”

Field trips to local working gem mines will be offered ahead of the symposium, along with hands-on workshops and a visit to the San Diego Museum of Natural History for a look at the ‘All That Glitters’ gem and jewellery exhibit.

Registration opens Oct. 15 and capacity is limited. For more information on the event and fees, or to be a presenter, visit

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