Harvard debuts GIA global leadership program

by eyetee | May 21, 2014 2:45 pm

Forty-four senior gem and jewellery executives participated in the inaugural GIA Global Leadership Program.

Forty-four senior gem and jewellery executives made the trek to Harvard Business School for a global leadership program initiated by Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Participants travelled from 15 countries to examine topics ranging from strategy to customer centricity to leading high-performance teams. The four-day custom curriculum was based on Harvard’s case study method.

“Developing innovative programs like this to meet the needs of our global industry directly supports our public benefit mission of protecting the gem- and jewellery-buying public,” said Susan Jacques, GIA president and chief executive officer (CEO).

“We are very pleased so many senior executives found the curriculum compelling and the networking opportunities invaluable.”

GIA initiated the program with (HBS) to bring together leaders from around the world representing different sectors of the gem and jewellery industry to help further develop senior management expertise. Participants examined issues faced by global businesses and how to apply the experiences of other sectors and industries to their own, as well as current discussed industry challenges. 

GIA says plans are in the works to hold a similar event at Harvard in June 2015.

Pictured above are the participants of the inaugural GIA Global Leadership Program (alphabetical order): Ruben Bindra, B & B Fine Gems; David Bouffard, Signet Jewelers Ltd; Jacques Brannelec, Jewelmer International Corporation; Victor Chan, Continental; Lawrence Chen, FERRI Jewelry Taiwan; Shreyas Cotha, C. Krishnai Chetty & Sons Pvt. Ltd; Amit Dhamani, Dhamani Jewels; Brijesh Dholakia, Hari Krishna Exports Pvt. Ltd; Shreyans Dholakia, S. Goldi (Asia) Ltd; Anan Fakhreddin, Damas Jewellery; Saul Goldberg, William Goldberg Diamond Company; John Green, Lux Bond & Green; Meyer Hoffman, Mikimoto; Susan Jacques, GIA; Andy Johnson, Johnson Family Diamond Cellar; Stephen Kahler, Swarovski; Nilesh Kothari, Jewelex India Pvt Ltd; Sheldon Kwiat, Kwiat, Inc.; Steve Lagos, LAGOS; Michael Liu, S. A. Vaal Star Diamonds; Lawrence Ma, Lee Heng Diamond Group; Stefan Mayer, Heinz Mayer; Anoop Mehta, Mohit Diamonds; Arnav Mehta, Blue Star Diamonds Pvt Ltd; Rihen Mehta, Rosy Blue (Dubai); Nirav Modi, Firestar Diamonds; Vinod More, The Jewel Box Pte Ltd; Rutang Moses, SAFDICO Botswana and Diamond Technology Park; Thomas M. Moses, GIA; Thomas H. Nyborg, Pandora Production Co., Ltd; Piyush Patel, Dharmanandan Diamonds Pvt. Ltd; Martin Rapaport, Rapaport Group; Marcelo Ribeiro, Belmont Mine; James Rosenheim, Tiny Jewel Box; Stuart Samuels, Premier Diamond Alliance; Pinal Savani, KARP; Pratik Shah, Star Rays; Hank Siegel, Hamilton Co. Jewelers; Bill Simms, Helzberg Diamonds; Santpal Sinchawla, Sant Enterprises; Elliot Tannenbaum, Leo Schachter Diamond Group; Mark Van Rijt, ABN AMRO Bank NV; David Ning Wang, Cheung Ning Co., Ltd and Shenzhen Sino-Africa Diamond Co., Ltd; Alan Zimmer, Reeds Jewelers.

  1. [Image]: http://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/SB_GIA.jpg

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/harvard-debuts-gia-global-leadership-program/