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IRMA releases second draft of mining standards

IRMA-mainThe Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) has released the second and revised draft Standard for Responsible Mining for a 60-day review and public comment period.

Its release comes as the first-ever global certification program for industrial-scale mine sites gears up for release in late 2016.

According to a press release, the standard’s second draft reflects input of more than 1400 points of comment from over 70 organizations and individuals worldwide, including industry and technical experts.

Two field tests conducted by IRMA last October and in March applied the standards in simulated mine audits in the United States and Zimbabwe. Auditors hired by IRMA reviewed company documentation, made first-hand observations at the mine site, and conducted interviews with company representatives and other stakeholders to verify the standard’s requirements are clear, practicable, and measurable.

The draft Standard for Responsible Mining is the result of 10 years of collaboration between groups from the mining industry, organized labour, non-governmental organizations, impacted communities, and businesses.

“We believe using our brand to advocate for critical issues like responsible mining is one of the most important things we can do,” says Anisa Kamadoli Costa, chief sustainability officer at Tiffany & Co.

“Today, collaboration across sectors is necessary to drive systemic change. As a founding member of IRMA, we are proud it is close to launching its certification. We believe IRMA’s progress represents a significant step toward a global standard in responsible mining.”

The standard emulates similar certification programs in organic agriculture, responsible forestry, and sustainable fisheries.

“IRMA’s value lies in the commitment by leaders from five different sectors to establish meaningful, verifiable environmental and human rights standards for mining,” said Jennifer Krill, executive director at Earthworks, an international mining reform group.

Stakeholders and the general public are invited to participate in the next round of feedback and input. After the June 5 comment deadline, the steering committee will make another set of revisions to the draft standard and release the final version in late 2016.

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