Italian fair signs deals with Yerevan and Hong Kong shows

by eyetee | September 26, 2013 7:33 pm

Udumyan Mantovani
Artak Udumyan (left), executive director of the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) and Paolo Mantovani, president of Fiera di Vicenza at the signing of a new agreement to promote Italian jewellery at the Yerevan International Jewellery Show.

By Jacquie De Almeida

Fiera di Vicenza has inked two new agreements to help promote the ‘Made in Italy’ brand.

Announced at the recent VicenzaOro ‘Fall’ show, a partnership with the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) looks to explore promotional opportunities at the Yerevan International Jewellery Show, which the association owns.

Fair officials also signed a deal with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) designed to strengthen the presence of Italian brands at the March edition of the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show.

The agreements are part of the fair’s 2013/2017 strategic plan, part of which is delivery of a new pavilion and an eight-storey, 600-car parking garage to be completed by the end of this year. The 15,000-m2 hall will be organized into ‘communities,’ reflecting categories identified by TrendVision, the fair’s independent research centre. At the heart of the new additions—which cost 32 million euros ($44 million Cdn.)—are food services and reorganization of access routes, two considerations high on the fair’s list of priorities in anticipation of growth in attendance due to the new partnerships. About 50,000 buyers gather for the three annual shows, but fair officials say that number is expected to increase by 100,000.

“Fiera di Vicenza is updating its approach and its strategies,” fair president Paolo Mantovani told the international press. “The focus aims at improving the quality of the exhibition format, space, purchase flows, as well as the services offered to exhibitors and buyers, in order to facilitate matching supply and demand.”

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(From left to right): Corrado Facco, executive director of Fiera di Vicenza, Paolo Mantovani, president of the fair, Benjamin Chau, deputy executive director of Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), and Luigi Barettoni, president of Associazione Fabbricanti Esportatori Macchine Orafe (AFEMO).

Mantovani also announced creation of a steering committee made up of select companies belonging to the gold, gemstone, and technology sectors. The group is expected to meet three or four times a year to discuss ways to develop projects of common interest.

For more news from the aisles of ‘Fall’ and About J, the fair’s invitation-only event held two days prior in Venice, stay tuned for the December issue of Jewellery Business.

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