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Kimberley Process comes under review

Members of the global diamond industry convened to discuss how best to improve the Kimberley Process at a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) side event on March 7.
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Conflict diamonds were the topic of choice at a recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) side event. Held on March 7 and hosted by the Australian and Botswanan governments, the meeting fostered discussion of the Kimberley Process and how it can be improved in the crucial coming years.

The process entered a two-year review and reformation period as of 2018, and several elements of it are up for reconsideration. In his remarks to attendees, World Diamond Council (WDC) president Stephane Fischler noted ensuring safe working conditions, supporting long-term process implementation, and improving minimum certification standards as particular areas of interest. To support these goals, he suggested the process’s scope be broadened, a permanent secretariat be established in a neutral country, and the peer review mechanism be strengthened.

“The threat of instability and conflict remains and our work is not over,” said Fischler at the event. “This important Kimberley Process review period gives us the opportunity to address contemporary challenges facing the diamond industry and implement reforms to protect the human rights, freedoms, and development of people who depend on the diamond trade.”

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