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Large gem-quality diamond found at Aviat Project

SB_av2_outcrop_3_003A 3.64-carat gem-quality diamond is the largest stone unearthed from the Aviat Project on Nunavut’s Melville Peninsula, says Stornoway Diamond Corp.

Pulled from a 27-t sample collected last year from AV2 kimberlite surface exposures, the diamond is a white dodecahedron discovered during dense media separation (DMS) processing in an 11.4-t subsample.

“The recovery of a large, gem-quality stone from a relatively small sample from AV2 is an important and highly encouraging new development for the Aviat Project,” said Stornoway’s CEO Eira Thomas.

“Previous work at Aviat has identified significant tonnage potential together with good grades. The recovery of this 3.64-carat gem has, for the first time, established Aviat’s potential to yield large, high-quality gemstones, an important value driver in any economic diamond deposit.”

The company says the diamond was damaged during DMS processing and is thought to represent 90 per cent of its original weight.


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