Leading diamond company unveils ‘pure impact’ sustainability report

by Tamanna Bhasin | March 5, 2024 4:41 pm

The landmark report highlights six decades of SRK’s distinguished initiatives and partnerships to improve sustainability industry-wide.

Surat, India—Shree Ramkrishna Exports[1] (SRK), one of the world’s leading diamond crafting companies, released its inaugural Pure Impact Report, highlighting its commitment to leadership in ESG and corporate social responsibility, acceleration of its net zero goals, and advancing both the Science-Based Targets Initiative[2] (SBTi) and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). The report highlights initiatives in education, healthcare, community welfare, employee empowerment, sustainability, and decarbonization from SRK and its philanthropic arm, the SRK Knowledge Foundation[3].

For more than six decades, SRK has gone beyond diamonds, serving people and the planet. With a long-term vision of a zero-emissions India and world, the company has outlined a detailed net zero roadmap aligned with both the UN SDGs and the SBTi. In partnership with the Global Network for Zero[4], SRK has committed to achieve net zero certification for its two flagship diamond crafting facilities, SRK Empire and SRK House, by 2024—a full six years ahead of the goals set within the UN framework. To achieve this, the company is building an off-site solar power plant, electrifying its fleet, planting over 200 acres of trees, and more.

Other achievements and initiatives highlighted in the report include:

“The natural diamond industry has an opportunity to make an incredible impact on the environment and global net zero goals; SRK aims to show how it can be done,” Shri Govind Dholakia, founder and chairman of SRK, says, “We’ve made decarbonization the crown jewel of our efforts because it impacts every facet of our daily lives: infrastructure, health, agriculture, quality of life, and so much more. We’re leveraging every tool at our disposal to protect our staff, the planet, and the people of India and beyond. The work outlined in this report is just the start.”

SRK looks forward to turning towards a net zero future with a deep commitment to the health of the community and planet alike. To learn more about ongoing sustainability initiatives visit https://srk.one/pure-sustainability.html[7].

  1. Shree Ramkrishna Exports: https://srk.one/
  2. Science-Based Targets Initiative: https://sciencebasedtargets.org
  3. SRK Knowledge Foundation: https://srk.foundation/
  4. the Global Network for Zero: https://www.globalnetworkforzero.com
  5. 2023 SRK Sustainability Conclave: https://sustainability.srk.one/
  6. Responsible Jewellery Council: https://www.responsiblejewellery.com/
  7. https://srk.one/pure-sustainability.html: https://srk.one/pure-sustainability.html

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/leading-diamond-company-unveils-pure-impact-sustainability-report/