London to get jewellery crime pilot project

by eyetee | June 2, 2008 12:00 am

Jewellers in London, Ont., may soon have another tool to combat crime.

Jewellers Vigilance Canada (JVC) and Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company (JM) are creating the London Alert Program (LAP), a local crime prevention information-sharing pilot project. If successful, the initiative may become the basis for similar networks across Canada.

JVC says the sharing of information is the most effective method of protecting against jewellery crime, which has seen a marked increase in incidents against travelling salespeople.

“Information is power and the best defense against crime is to have well-informed and educated jewellery salespeople and owners,” said JVC director of loss prevention John Lamont.

“A local area network is the fastest way to share information on local crime.”

Once established, jewellers will receive advanced notice of illegal activities in the London area, either through e-mail, fax, or by phone.

JVC and JM are working to determine which jewellers are interested in participating. Local law enforcement and mall security will also be involved.

The program will run until the end of the year. JVC will monitor and administer the project, sharing information gathered with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

For more information, visit[1] or contact JVC at (800) 636-9536 or[2].


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