LUEUR will call the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City home, come October.
Featuring purveyors of antique, estate, and vintage jewellery and watches, LUEUR runs from Oct. 23 to 25 and will open its doors to the trade on the first day. After that, it will be open to the public. When it was first announced, LEUER was slated to be held at the Waterfront in Chelsea from Oct. 16 to 18.
To further support the jewellery trade, LUEUR’s dates are scheduled to immediately follow the International Watch & Jewelry Guild (IWJG) October show in New York City.
“With exhibit space nearly sold out in the first week of its announcement, LUEUR is on track to be one of U.S. Antique Shows’ most successful launches,” says Dan Darby, Emerald Expositions vice-president and U.S. Antique Shows general manager.
“To further capitalize on excitement already surrounding this show and by holding the event at the Javits Convention Center, we believe this will establish LUEUR as one of the industry’s most important events.”
Emerald Expositions—U.S. Antique Shows’ parent company—produces two events at Javits Convention Center in late October, drawing nearly 30,000 buyers.
LUEUR will draw additional retail sales from more than 22,000 luxury product buyers attending the PhotoPlus International Expo where each attendee will receive complimentary admission to the show.
Free admission to LEUER will also be given to 7500 jewellery professionals attending the JA Special Delivery from Oct. 25 to 27. In addition, LUEUR’s participating dealers will be offered 50 complimentary passes to distribute to their clientele.
Javits Convention Center recently underwent a state-of-the-art renovation. For more information, visit