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Milenyum Mining donates Csarite to CGA

SB_CSARITE(R)-Gemstones-CGAMilenyum Mining has donated Csarite to the Canadian Gemmological Association (CGA).

The company says it contributed the stones at the CGA’s request to expand its students’ knowledge of the colour-changing gem, which is sourced only in the Anatolia Mountains of Turkey. The contribution comprises a variety of sizes and shapes of faceted gems and rough specimens.

“Receiving a contribution of Csarite gems of this magnitude enables CGA to share knowledge of this gem with our students, as awareness grows within the marketplace,” said CGA president Donna Hawrelko.

“We are thrilled the Canadian Gemmological Association recognizes the increasing market exposure of Csarite and the importance of correct identification of this unique gem,” said Murat Akgun, president of Milenyum Mining.

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