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Nobel prize winners and CIBJO president meet at world forum

New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner for economics Paul Krugman (left) with CIBJO president Gaetano Cavalieri at the World Business Forum in Milan.

Issues facing the jewellery industry have caught the attention of two Nobel Prize winners at the World Business Forum held in Milan.

At meetings held during the forum, CIBJO president Gaetano Cavalieri discussed the group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program with former U.S. vice-president Al Gore and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Cavalieri said Gore’s focus on promoting environmental sustainability and Krugman’s work on economics and geographic concentration of wealth held similarities with CIBJO’s promotion of sustainable economic, social and environmental activity.

“The issues the two gentlemen discussed at the World Business Forum very much reflected those we currently are dealing with in the jewellery industry,” Cavalieri said. “Vice-president Gore looked in-depth at certain CSR issues we have been discussing in our industry forums, and he expressed interest in the work that is being done in the jewellery sector. Krugman, who discussed the most critical issues facing the world economy, was interested to hear that, as a luxury product industry, we are so involved in promoting good corporate citizenship.”

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