Vancouver-based Peregrine Diamonds says its summer exploration at the Chidliak project has yielded eight new kimberlite discoveries.
Of the eight, six were located at surface by prospecting and two from drilling. One of the kimberlites—CH-19—is located about seven kilometres south of the nearest known pipe, extending the new diamond district by 60 kilometres in a north-south direction and 40 east-west. Chidliak is located on Baffin Island, Nunavut.
“The 2010 Chidliak exploration program is off to a great start with 10 new kimberlite discoveries since May,” said Peregrine president Brooke Clements. “These discoveries confirm the exploration potential Chidliak offers and that we have a large field of kimberlites to evaluate.
“With the combination of technical and logistical knowledge we have gained on the property, and our increased exploration commitment this year, we are confident our experienced and dedicated exploration team will make many more diamondiferous kimberlite discoveries in the near future. Our goal is to confirm a number of the 2010 discoveries are candidates for economic potential in Arctic settings, to complement the three we have identified thus far, CH-1, CH-6 and CH-7.”