‘Pink Legacy’ diamond breaks world record for per-carat price

by carly_midgley | November 14, 2018 2:18 pm

The ‘Winston Pink Legacy’ diamond broke the world record for price per carat for a pink diamond at Christie’s recent Magnificent Jewels auction, selling for US$2.6 million per carat. Photo © Christie’s[1]
The ‘Winston Pink Legacy’ diamond broke the world record for price per carat for a pink diamond at Christie’s recent Magnificent Jewels auction, selling for US$2.6 million per carat.
Photo © Christie’s

The largest fancy vivid pink diamond Christie’s[2] has ever offered at auction has now broken a global record. The 18.96-carat ‘Winston Pink Legacy[3]’ sold to Harry Winston[4] for US$50.3 million at the Magnificent Jewels[5] sale in Geneva yesterday, setting a world auction record price per carat for a pink diamond.

“This exceptional diamond captured the imagination of international collectors across the globe, with more than 30,000 people visiting Christie’s sale previews to see this remarkable stone,” said Rahul Kadakia, the company’s international head of jewellery. “It has taken its rightful place among the world’s greatest diamonds.”

The Winston Pink Legacy sold after five minutes of bidding. Its price per carat is calculated to be US$2.6 million.

“We are proud to continue in the Winston tradition of acquiring the finest gems in the world and tonight the Winston Pink Legacy joins our incredible legacy collection, which began with the acquisition of the 101-carat, D Flawless Winston Legacy diamond at Christie’s in 2013,” said Nayla Hayek, CEO of Swatch Group/Harry Winston.

The diamond’s sale also gave Christie’s the honour of top price achieved at all Geneva auction houses this month. Signed pieces and natural pearls also performed well at the sale, which drew bidders from 51 countries spanning six continents to generate a total of US$110.2 million.

  1. [Image]: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/58209493-art-c.jpg
  2. Christie’s: https://www.christies.com/
  3. Winston Pink Legacy: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/19-carat-pink-diamond-steals-the-show-at-christies/
  4. Harry Winston: https://www.harrywinston.com/en
  5. Magnificent Jewels: https://www.christies.com/magnificent-jewels-27664.aspx?lid=1&dt=141120180212&saletitle=

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/pink-legacy-diamond-breaks-world-record-for-per-carat-price/