Québec diamond mining project underway

by Samantha Ashenhurst | July 30, 2019 10:21 am

Black Tusk Resources has begun drilling for its Golden Valley Project in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.[1]
Black Tusk Resources has begun drilling for its Golden Valley Project in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.

Vancouver-based exploration company Black Tusk Resources[2] has begun drilling for its Golden Valley Project in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt.

Fifteen sites have been selected near the Ontario-Québec border, with several targets delineated from historic drilling. Initial drilling will be based upon the results of the historic exploration, while continued drilling will follow mineralized structures mapped by the initial drill holes.

Company personnel will be on site to oversee activity. A Québec-based consulting group is slated to undertake core logging and sampling at Black Tusk’s core shack, located approximately 25 km (15.5 mi) from the Golden Valley property.

“We are extremely excited to be on the ground here with our exploration team and it has been very pleasing to see the current scale of our operation underway,” says CEO Richard Penn.

The project is located 26 km (16 mi) south of Hecla Mining Corp’s Casa Berardi Mine, which is currently in production and also lies within the Abitibi Greenstone belt.

  1. [Image]: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SA_GoldenValley.jpg
  2. Black Tusk Resources: https://www.blacktuskresources.com/

Source URL: https://www.jewellerybusiness.com/news/quebec-diamond-mining-project-underway/