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RJC re-certifies IGI

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) has re-certified the International Gemological Institute (IGI)—North and South America against its ethical, social, and environmental standards.

“RJC congratulates the International Gemological Institute on achieving re-certification,” said Michael Rae, RJC’s chief executive officer (CEO).

“After a member has become RJC-certified for the first time, independent verification is required at the end of each certification period to ensure continued conformance and to maintain certified member status. The successful verification assessment was conducted by UL Responsible Sourcing, one of the independent third-party auditing firms accredited to the RJC’s member certification system.”

IGI president and CEO Jerry Ehrenwald said the lab was pleased to have achieved re-certification.

“We believe this recognition is imperative. We are focused on continuing to align our values with that of the council’s, including its central aim to provide accurate and reliable product information to consumers. We look forward to continuing to work with the RJC to advance the industry through upholding ethical practices and strengthening gemmological education initiatives.”

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