Royal Ontario Museum to showcase Candy Ice Jewelry

by eyetee | July 13, 2015 3:03 pm

Actress Vivica A. Fox (right) will host an invitation-only event at the Royal Ontario Museum to celebrate Candy Ice Jewelry being featured in the ‘Gallery of Gems and Gold.’ Seen here with the brand’s founder and designer, Lucy Kilislian.

Candy Ice Jewelry is now part of a public collection on permanent display at Royal Ontario Museum’s (ROM’s) ‘Gallery of Gems and Gold.’

“I am honoured to have my designs live on alongside the stunning work of such talented Canadian designers,” says Lucy Kilislian, founder and designer of Candy Ice Jewelry. “My family has a very long history in the jewel industry, so the fact future generations can come and see my work is truly rewarding.”

The brand is a favourite among celebrities like Madonna, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Hillary Clinton, and Oprah Winfrey.

To mark the launch of the showcase, actress Vivica A. Fox of Kill Bill and Independence Day fame will host an invitation-only unveiling at the ROM later this month.  

“As a long-time Candy Ice enthusiast, I am so pleased to host this momentous occasion for the brand,” Fox says. “Candy Ice jewelry is classic, yet modern, so it’s very fitting its legacy will live on through eternity at the ROM.”

Click here[2] for more on Candy Ice Jewelry.

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