Stornoway ramps up ore processing at Renard

by jacquie_dealmeida | July 25, 2016 9:00 am

SB_R65_Excavation_20Processing of ore has commenced at the Renard Diamond Project, says Stornoway Diamond Corp.

The development marks the start of a processing ramp-up that is designed to achieve 100 per cent of plant capacity within nine months. Commercial production at Renard is defined as the maintenance of ore processing for 30 days at 60 per cent of capacity.

“The commencement of diamond production at Renard comes exactly two years and five days since we broke ground for mine construction,” said company president and CEO, Matt Manson.

“Our project execution continues to track several weeks ahead of our (already) re-baselined schedule and well within our capital budget. Our focus now turns to the efficient ramping-up of the process plant and the reconciliation of our principal mineral resource and mine operating parameters.

“The kimberlites forming what is now Quebec’s first operating diamond mine were discovered 15 years ago this September by Ashton Mining of Canada and SOQUEM Inc. Over this long period of time, a great number of people have worked diligently on the project’s exploration, development, financing, and construction. Today’s news could not have been made possible without their talents, dedication, and shared commitment to the project’s success.”

As of July 13, just over a million tonnes of ore had been stockpiled, enough to commence and maintain the planned ramp-up. Initial production is based on ore sourced directly from the Renard 2-Renard 3 open pit and supplemented from the stockpile as required.

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