Synthetic diamond production more carbon-intensive than mined, says report

by Samantha Ashenhurst | May 6, 2019 2:12 pm

A new report from the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) shows greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of synthetic diamonds are approximately three times greater than that of mined diamonds.[1]
A new report from the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) shows greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of synthetic diamonds are approximately three times greater than that of mined diamonds.

The environmental impact of the synthetic diamond sector is being challenged following the release of a comprehensive report from the Diamond Producers Association[2] (DPA).

The report, which explores the ecological and social impact of the modern diamond mining industry, reveals estimated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production of lab-grown diamonds are approximately three times greater than that of natural diamonds (based on 2016 figures). This is reflective of measurements on a per carat basis.

Further, data from the report, which is titled “The Socioeconomic and Environmental Impact of Large-scale Diamond Mining,” shows DPA member companies generate more than US$16 billion in net socioeconomic and environmental benefits through mining operations, the vast majority of which is “infused into communities through local employment, sourcing of goods and services, taxes and royalties, social programs, and infrastructure investment.”

“This report marks an industry first,” said Jean-Marc Lieberherr, DPA’s CEO. “Diamond producing companies representing three quarters of the world’s production have come together to provide a window into the impacts and benefits of their activities on the communities and environments of the countries and regions in which they operate. This independent research report breaks outdated stereotypes and misconceptions and identifies the next set of challenges that must be met to continue to evolve and improve as an industry.”

To read the full report, authored by Trucost, click here[3].

  1. [Image]:
  2. Diamond Producers Association:
  3. here:

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