The holidays are traditionally the busiest time of the year for retailers, but this is also the season thieves look forward to.
Smash and grabs and safe/vault burglaries are on the rise, says Jewelers Mutual. The company offers the following tips to cut back on the financial risk and mental trauma.
For smash and grabs, retailers are reminded to:
• place merchandise in a safe or vault overnight. If full, place less-valuable items out of sight in a locked cabinet or drawer;
• store all repairs in a safe or vault;
• remove all merchandise from show windows at night;
• do not cover showcases, as this creates the perception there are items worth stealing beneath;
• use Underwriters Laboratories- (UL-) listed burglary-resistant materials on windows and showcases to slow thieves down; and
• ensure alarm systems are on and working.
Preventative measures against safe/vault burglaries include the following:
• install a UL-certified central station burglar alarm system, if available;
• ensure the alarm system’s line is secure and detects any attempt to disrupt connection with authorities;
• respond to all alarm signals and never take for granted that it is a false alarm; and
• test your system periodically and ensure proper maintenance.