Toronto designer featured in U.S. space-inspired exhibition

by eyetee | June 26, 2015 2:02 pm

SB_NKD-The-Sunrise-Ruby-ear[1]A pair of ruby earrings from Toronto jewellery designer Niki Kavakonis will be showcased in an exhibition at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Featuring 18-karat white gold and a 9.17-carat star ruby, the earrings are part of ‘Out of this World! Jewelry in the Space Age,’ which highlights wearable and decorative arts related to outer space, space travel, and the space age.

The design for the earrings and its name are based on a poem by a 13th-century Persian poet:


“In the early morning hour,

Just before dawn, lover and beloved awake

And take a drink of water.

She asks, “Do you love me or yourself more?

Really, tell me the absolute truth.”

He says, “There is nothing left of me.

I am like a ruby held up to the sunrise.

Is it still a stone, or a world made of redness?

It has no resistance to sunlight. The ruby and the sunrise are one.”

The exhibition runs until Jan. 4, 2016.

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